Exciting news from Asia! Our CEO Philip Nising reports live from the ChinaPlas in Guangzhou: “The first two days at ChinaPlas in tropical Guangzhou have been a fantastic experience for the BUSS team.”

“With the fresh and innovative concept of our COMPEO generation, we attracted large numbers of customers and media to our booth. Our local team from Buss Compounding Solutions Shanghai as well as our experts from the Swiss headquarters were continuously engaged in discussions and technical-commercial exchange. The sheer amount of people in this vibrant environment of Southern China is truly amazing, and so is the large presence of international visitors, high-quality suppliers and multinational corporations. All in all, the ChinaPlas has already proven to be an excellent investment of time and money for BUSS!”

Find out where else BUSS is exhibiting: https://www.busscorp.cn/en/about-us/events-fairs/